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The Host

My name is Baldev Singh Rawat. 
I am the host of this web space. 
I write, document, and organize in my free time. 
It gives me great joy to work on this website for many a reason. I also get back to this website and read it regularly. If you would like, please connect with me via Chat Button, Linkedin, or Instagram


Baldev Singh Rawat

I find it difficult to write about myself. I guess you too find it difficult. I feel more comfortable asking and having a conversation and sharing more about myself. If you want a formal introduction, I have tried my best on Linkedin, but it doesn't convey my story really well. Nevertheless, a good place to start. 

I currently live in Wellesley and if I walk 1 mile west I have lake Waban to sit and relax or walk around it to listen to a podcast. I am in awe of the beauty of this lake. 
Next to it, we have Morses Pond. North of it. That is heavenly as well. What fascinates me is how close and far they are.

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